New year, new beautiful arrival…

Bonne année à tous! It’s been nearly three months since my last post. What can I say? I’ve been busy, lazy, unmotivated or most likely a mix of all three. But here I am, with rediscovered motivation. At this point I have literally no idea what to write about, other than a hopefully compelling, or... Continue Reading →

A joyful soaking

It rained today. It was amazing. You could hear the trees, plants, flowers and fields grinning madly, breathing a huge sigh of relief, literally lapping up the joyful soaking. Humans were rejoicing too. Okay, I don’t know that, as we’ve not been out since it rained, but anyone not celebrating the second sighting of rain... Continue Reading →

Le Garden Rescue: Part Two

A year ago we attempted some de-weeding in our garden; the first of two failed attempts in quick succession. It soon became apparent that simply removing the weeds that took up every inch of our ground was not enough. These weeds were persistent, and seemed to grow back with anger and vigour as if to... Continue Reading →

Walking in a winter wonderland

Last year I seemed to mention the weather, in a very negative way, with monotonous regularity. That was until August when the sun appeared. Weather talk can be so dull, but such was the deluge of rain last year that amongst the grip of covid it took on more importance. Our daily walks, which are... Continue Reading →

Life in our hands

Life is all about making decisions. We make dozens every day. Most of them are small and largely insignificant, but others, like what country would we like to live in are a touch more life changing. Some decisions are out of our hands, but I’ve always been someone who has thought if there’s something you’re... Continue Reading →

A sight for sore arms

Things to do this week: get our first covid jabs, enjoy Heather’s birthday whilst preparing for our covid jabs and admiring the supermoon, enjoy a birthday meal out with friends post covid jabs, add the twenty-five recent purchases to our Etsy page (see below), sell some Etsy items, post some Etsy items, arrange some gite... Continue Reading →

Raindrops keep falling…

I’ve always thought May was the perfect month to visit this beautiful part of France. Pre-summer so not too hot or busy with tourists, but with perfectly warm temperatures, spring in full bloom and rivers full with winter’s rain, the landscape was near its best. But, two weeks in so far here this May has... Continue Reading →

Ade, Gina and three-bed Pepper

Spring is in full bloom and outdoor living is now everyday life. Having previously spent a few days weeding our dry garden slope, Le Garden Rescue is now on hold, primarily because we want to ensure our more easily accessible terraces are as we want them before turning our attention back to the slope, which... Continue Reading →

Le Garden Rescue

After the worst winter’s weather many locals can remember, we’re currently in the middle of what in Scotland would be described as freak temperatures with a deluge of blue skies and sunshine. In the UK temperatures can occasionally hit the high teens in late February, here it’s the norm or c’est la vie. So, we’ve... Continue Reading →

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